Moon Valley Women’s Club
Recognition Progam
To recognize individuals who have contributed to the success of the MVWC community. To encourage engagement in support of the community from which we all benefit.
Use the online form to nominate MVWC members (or non-members) in one of two categories:
#1 Leadership:
- Initiates / Leads a project benefiting MVWC & its members
- Serves as a member of the MVWC Board
- Leads / Serves on a committee
- Provides initiative/organization/inspiration to club’s efforts

#2 Volunteerism:
- Eagerness to participate in club efforts
- Selfless involvement to further the club’s goals
- Goes above and beyond what is asked/expected
- Consistently available to work for the benefit of the MVWC

Nominations must be received by the last day of February 2024.