Holiday Adopt-a-Family provides Christmas to 30 families through Sunnyslope Elementary School. Over 70 of our members contribute their time, talents, and treasure to make Christmas a happy time for 158 people. This is huge undertaking and our leader, Sandi, organizes our shoppers, sorters, baggers, and deliver team. Gift requests this year included 21 bikes, 2 skateboards, 6 scooters,1 set of skates, 2 riding rockers, dolls, books, a remote-control car,3 basketballs, a soccer ball, a football and several craft and drawing kits. We were also able to provide items such as watches, cologne, make up, and diapers. Some families are also receiving household items such as blenders, microwaves, pots and pans, dishes, bedding, towels, tools, groceries and cleaning supplies.