The MVWC Garden Group visited the Japanese Friendship Garden located in downtown Phoenix on February 21. The Japanese Friendship Garden is a traditional Japanese stroll garden. A stroll garden is a garden that you can leisurely walk through, with outdoor areas designed with an intent to foster spiritual development and provide pleasure. This tranquil and beautiful garden features 15,00 tons of hand-picked rock, stone footbridges, lanterns, 60 varieties of plants, flowing streams, waterfalls, a Koi pond with colorful fish and a Tea House for tea ceremonies. The Japanese Friendship Garden hosts many annual special events, including weddings.
After our outing at the Garden, we went to China Chili’s for a very scrumptious lunch.
Photos include our group picture at the event and also an amazing and beautiful painting that was created by our very own Maripat F, while we were touring the garden. She is such an extremely talented artist!
The Garden Group also visited Berridge Nursery on April 20th; the first day of Spring.
Berridge Nursery is a family owned and operated plant nursery that has been here in the Valley since 1938. This nursery provided us with one of their professional horticulturists (Bonnie) to conduct a presentation on “Spring Planting”. She was ex- tremely knowledgeable in every aspect of plant life. Bonnie was able to answer every question asked and she hung around with us helping with purchases, etc.
Berridge Nursery has a variety of beautiful and healthy plants, pottery, a greenhouse full of flowers and indoor plants, outdoor benches, fountains, along with holiday orna- ments and decorations. We found this outing to be very educational.
After our outing we went to Keegan’s for lunch. Great food!