We had a wonderful luncheon at Edelweiss Biergarten on Thursday, February 9th attended by over 50 MVWC members and guests. We ate “family style” and enjoyed a variety of sausages, chicken and a pork schnitzel along with red cabbage, German fried potatoes, spaetzle, and sauerkraut.

It was our privilege to hear JoAnna Shipe speak to us about Human Trafficking, especially in and around the Phoenix area. JoAnna represents Where Hope Lives at the Phoenix Dream Center. https://phoenixdreamcenter.org
January was Human Trafficking Prevention month, a hard subject to fathom but one we all needed to learn about. Especially now since the highest time is around the Super Bowl. JoAnna Shipe is passionate about the rescue, restoration, and complete recovery of victims of human trafficking and gave a wonderful talk to our membership. She started in 2016 as a volunteer at the Phoenix Dream Center and is now using her lifelong leadership skills to lead the Volunteer Force. JoAnna spoke with compassion and hope for the end of Human Trafficking. For more information please check out the Phoenix Dream Center’s webpage and offer any help that you can. https://phoenixdreamcenter.org