Our December Luncheon was held at Lovecraft on E. Cactus Road and it was wonderful. Lovecraft gave us the entire restaurant, and we filled it with 55 MVWC members who were very Merry!
The MVWC Service Project Treasurer, Mary H, spoke to us about the MVWC Service Project and helped us all understand how important our fundraising is to the many wonderful non-profits they fund with their Large and Small Grants.
A copy of her informative presentation can be found by Clicking Here or to view more about MVWC Service Project Frequently Asked Questions, please Click Here.
To celebrate the season, we were lucky enough to have our very own Vivia S lead us in some beloved Christmas Carols. Vivia gave us some of the origins of each of the songs we sang which was very interesting and festive.

To end our Luncheon, a $50 gift certificate was given as a door prize from LoveCraft and 4 beautiful Poinsettas were given as door prizes to 4 lucky attendees!