The Classy Cooks II group met on February12th. The hosts for this event were Koni G and Maripat F; with the event being held at the home of Koni .
The theme for this event was Presidents’ Day. We each prepared food that the past or current Presidents or their wives made or planned for occasions at the White House or snacking on a routine basis. Our menu was diverse and contained items based on the Presidents and First Ladies: Jackie Kennedy’s Dinner Pie, Jimmy Carter Peanuts, John Q. Adams green salad and fruit, Jackie Kennedy Deviled Eggs, George Bush Pork Rinds w/ Tabasco, Mamie Eisenhower Shrimp Cocktail with sauce and saltines, Clinton’s Pickled Watermelon Rinds, Abraham Lincoln’s Historic Lincoln Cheese Log and Clinton’s Banana Cream Pudding and Ronald Reagan’s Jelly Beans for dessert.
We had a wonderful time! Koni decorated her home in a patriotic theme and everyone wore red, white, and blue. It was really a special time and a special day.