Many thanks to everyone who helped bring Christmas to the 30 families we adopted through the Community Outreach Coordinator at Sunnyslope School. Seventy members and 8 of our friends and neighbors gave money, new clothing, gifts, and help for the families. This generosity allowed us to help 101 children and 51 parents and grandparents celebrate Christmas.
Our busy members picked up 21 bikes from Walmart, shopped (for shoes, clothes, gifts, toiletries, paper supplies, groceries and more), bagged items, and delivered them to Sunnyslope School.
Our shopping days took place at the Walmart Store on Bell Road and Tatum and included 159 pairs of shoes and boots, 32 helmets, 2 skateboards, 6 scooters, many dolls, pots and pans, sets of dishes, diapers, and much, much more! We appreciate the help of all the Walmart staff who helped us.