Did you know that your gently worn sneakers could help the MVWC Service Project?
Our Club is participating in a fundraiser where there is nothing to buy or sell; All we need is your support and your gently worn, used, or new sneakers!
It’s hard to believe that an estimated 600 million pair of shoes go into America’s landfills every year! 100% of these shoes can be recycled and the majority of these shoes can still be reused. That’s why we have decided to start a sneaker drive fundraiser with GotSneakers. The sneakers that we collect through the GotSneakers program will help us raise much needed funds AND will keep sneakers out of landfills. Talk about a win-win!
Here’s how you can help:
Start in your and your family’s closets and gather as many pair of sneakers that you no longer want; maybe you’ve out-grown them, they’re out of style, or out of season. If you and your household have 20 pairs, great! If not, don’t worry. You can ask your neighbors, friends, co-workers, and anyone in your social networks to help out. Every pair counts!
The sneakers that we all collect will help raise money to support our grants program AND will help our environment by keeping sneakers out of landfills.
Can we count on you? Collect as many pair of sneakers as you can and drop them off by May 1st at either Moon Valley Chiropractic or GenTech.